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All support is welcome as we want to make this Market a success for our area. Please tell your friends about the exciting new market!

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The Olney Farmers and Artists Market is the brainchild of Olney resident Janet Terry. Janet was inspired by her visits to the outstanding Farmers Market in Charleston, South Carolina. She had a vision to bring a quality farmers market to serve Olney. Her idea was presented to GOCA (Greater Olney Civic Association) in July 2007 and has grown into reality from there.

The Olney Farmers Market, Inc. was created in August 2007 and the following organizational structure put into place:

The Olney Farmers Market, Inc., has an Executive Committee, Steering Committee, and an Advisory Committee.

The dedicated committee members of The Olney Farmers and Artists Market are:

Executive Committee

Janet Terry, President

John Harbison, Vice President

Bobbi Espinoza, Treasurer

Travis Moore, Secretary


Steering Committee


Janet Terry
John Harbison
Amy Harbison
Judy Newton
Doug Terry
Janet Dinerman
Sharon Dooley

Hal Hoiland
Nikki Lewis
Debbie Amster
Jessica Weiss
Pat O'Neill
Jane McCarthy
Bobbi Espinoza



Robyn Glass 
Gary Marx
Elliot Alman



Paul O'Connell
Linda Silverstein
Robyn Quinter
John Quinter
Tara Holl
Bobbi Staat

Jim Smith
Jeff Feuer

Kathy Smith


Nominating Committee
Farmers Committee
Artists Committee
Food Vendors/Chef Demo
Music Coordinator
Web Master
Market Newsletter
Children's Tent Coordinator
Be Fit Be Well Tent
Safety Committee
Plein Air
Farm to Table Dinner 


Our House
Manna Food Center
Sandy Spring Museum

Janet and all of her committee members are very proud of their efforts and look forward to serving Olney for many, many years to come!